Monday, 2 November 2009

Philosophy Visiting Speaker Session

Visiting speaker session: 'Philosophy, Technology and the Everyday'

Neal Curtis from University of Nottingham is coming to Trent to talk about the intersections between Philosophy, Technology and Everyday Life. The event is happening as part of the Philosophy and Everyday Life second year module, but is being widely advertised throughout the university. All are welcome to attend what should prove to be an interesting and lively session.

Wednesday 25 November from 2-4pm
George Eliot 089 (GEE 089; LT3 Clifton Campus)
Neal Curtis, University of Nottingham

Today we are surrounded by stories regarding new technologies such as genetics and nanotechnology that are accompanied by fears that life as we know it is about to be changed and that the life of the human being as we have known it has come to an end; soon we will all be post-human.

Philosophy has its own problematic relationship to technology and has often envisioned it as monster about to engulf us. This is generally the reading of Martin Heidegger's view of technology, but I would like to argue that using Heidegger's analysis of our everyday use of tools in Being and Time could help allay our fears and apocalyptic visions and refocus our relationship to the technological and to our world.

Queries may be directed to Ruth Griffin