Friday, 6 March 2009

The Philosophy and Everyday Life Research Group

Philosophy and Everyday Life Research Group

The Philosophy and Everyday Life Research group is based in the ICAn Centre in the School of Arts and Humanities at Nottingham Trent University.

The group is dedicated to exploring ways in which both ancient and modern philosophy can inform and improve everyday ways of thinking and living in contemporary societies.

Through seminars and taught courses, group members will be developing a range of projects in order to facilitate an awareness of the significance philosophical thought-styles and modes of questioning for both personal and professional activities.

Group members include

Neil Turnbull – Science and Technology, Phenomenology, Heidegger and Wittgenstein.

Ruth Griffin - Film-philosophy, philosophy and contemporary media/culture, existentialism, literary philosophy, Foucault.

Chris Farrands - Global ethics/justice, Linguistic Philosophy; Wittgenstein, Gadamer, Levinas.

The first seminar will take place on Weds May 13th at 2pm in ICAn 219. Neil Turnbull will be speaking on 'Wittgenstein and the Meaning of Life'

Neil Turnbull
Philosophy and Everyday Life Research Group

Monday, 2 March 2009


Weclome to the blog for Philosophers at Nottingham Trent University!

Watch this space for information about forthcoming events, interesting papers by NTU tutors and many more things besides

Neil Turnbull